Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath by W. Eugene Smith, Minamata, 1972

A picture. And the words and stories and life that it tells. Let's attempt to be impactful(not a word).
This here is a study of the photo done in charcoal.
A charcoal reversal, which is done by priming illustration board all in charcoal and working in reverse by rubbing away the charcoal with an eraser.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

rain upon city stars

What if we live in a city of stars, because as they say we are made of stardust anyways. So as I busy my life looking up to the sky making wishes upon and hoping on twinkling lights; why can't I see that perhaps the stars that I need to look towards are the ones that passes me by everyday. Because people come and people go, some disappear, some fade away, and some passes away. And when a star is forever gone we look and feel the emptiness of its space and all we wish for are the simple things. Things we take for granted. Routines.

So I'm thankful for my everyday routines and I'm thankful for my everyday nots; because each day though it may seem to be the same contains invisible elements that I must learn to feel. That maybe just maybe if I dare to believe that you are an invisible star to me.

I love you for your repetitions, I love you for your flaws, and I simply love you selfishly, because without you there would be no me.

The image came to my mind as I was viewing a New York picture that my friend took of the cityscape at night, which I took the liberty of using as my reference for the image here. Gomawo!

spartan drawing

Sometimes I sit down to think or to draw and in the process of doing so I hope that the time I've spent in that moment of concentration be worth all of my efforts. For there is nothing worse than mesmerizing myself into something to feel that I've wasted my time at the end of it all, because that is time I'll never have returned to me. So if we ever stop to say hello and simply ask each other how we are doing, I will never take our time together for granted, because you are never a waste of time. Pen and Ink

playin dead

Allow me please to just lie here because how do I react to the steps of you walking by? A threat? Yes, a threat to my heart. To feel the imbalance of chemistry that takes place, to feel the blush rushing to my face, to hope to slow down my over beating heart-race. How may I refuse to play dead?javascript:void(0)

figuring humans

It will take a life time before I will understand any bit of you.
So instead of worrying about right now of how or what I'm supposed to know.

I shall be content in forgetting and relearning who it is that you are.

If you have a lifetime to spend, then share a part of that with me.

cool treats

When I was in elementary I used to take the school bus to school with my cousins, Mary and Jennie. And most days when we would get off we would be dropped off in front of a mom and pop hamburger place. And at this place there was a drive by window that we always walked up to. And behind the window was a woman with curly hair and a light blue collar shirt. And every time she would take from my cousin because she would always treat me, twenty-five cents for each of us, which would make a grand total of seventy-five cents. And if i think about it, twenty-five cents was like five dollars to us! And every time we exchange with the woman she would present to us a coned scoop of ice cream! And I would like to thank my cousins for supporting my addiction to these frozen concoctions!