Thursday, June 3, 2010

cool treats

When I was in elementary I used to take the school bus to school with my cousins, Mary and Jennie. And most days when we would get off we would be dropped off in front of a mom and pop hamburger place. And at this place there was a drive by window that we always walked up to. And behind the window was a woman with curly hair and a light blue collar shirt. And every time she would take from my cousin because she would always treat me, twenty-five cents for each of us, which would make a grand total of seventy-five cents. And if i think about it, twenty-five cents was like five dollars to us! And every time we exchange with the woman she would present to us a coned scoop of ice cream! And I would like to thank my cousins for supporting my addiction to these frozen concoctions!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha... Its hilarious to think that one can walk up to a Drive by window for a 25 cent ice cream cone... What a delicious memory!!!
